Kericho Court Sentences Robbers To Death For Slashing Victim

Kericho Law Courts sentenced to death two men found guilty of robbing a pedestrian after slashing him on the hand and wrist.

Kericho Principal Magistrate Benard Rugut ruled that the prosecution proved the case against Dominic Kimutai Langat, 32 and Collins Kiplangat Kirui alias Yusuf, 23 beyond reasonable doubt. 

The two are accused of committing the crime on 17 June 2022 in Kericho Township, Ainamoi sub-county, Kericho County, by using excessive force to rob Enock Kiplangat Korir of a Samsung phone, a Rolex watch, and a wallet worth Sh195, 000.

The prosecution demonstrated to the Court how the victim was traveling on foot after leaving a club with a female friend at 1am on the fatal day when he crossed the road and while he was calling for a cab, he was met by three men armed with a knife and an iron rod.

One took his phone, while the other guy became entangled with him as he wrestled on the ground to rescue himself from knife stabs, suffering wrist and palm cut wounds on his right hand in the process, while the third accused left the scene.