Kindiki Orders Crackdown After Massive Looting During Anti-Govt Protests

Interior CS Kithure Kindiki has condemned the unprecedented civil unrest on Tuesday, June 25, as widespread violence and looting broke out, leaving a trail of destruction and chaos in its wake.

The unrest, which was initially sparked by public protests against the Finance Bill 2024, quickly escalated into a full-blown crisis, with reports of arson attacks, vandalism, and violent clashes between protesters and security forces.

The Government has condemned the violence, describing it as “anarchy” and “cruel plunder”, and has promised to bring those responsible to justice.
In a statement, the Government expressed its determination to stop the “reign of terror” against the people of Kenya and vowed to apprehend those planning to commit further violence.

The statement also praised law enforcement officers for their professionalism and restraint in managing the situation, despite being faced with extremely provocative situations.
However, it also acknowledged that some instances of unlawful conduct by law enforcement officers will be investigated and appropriate action taken.

The Government has assured the public that evidence analysis is ongoing, and those found to be involved in large-scale arson, violent robberies, and other felonies will be brought to justice.
The organizers of the violence are reportedly planning to repeat their actions on Thursday and Sunday this week, and possibly more frequently in the future.

In response to these threats, security agencies have been placed on high alert to intercept and thwart any attempts to harm the public and attack critical infrastructure and emblems of national sovereignty.

The Government has made it clear that it will not tolerate any attempts to politicize crime or undermine the authority of the state.
It has also urged citizens to remain calm and peaceful, while warning that those who continue to engage in violent behavior will face the full force of the law.

As Kenya grapples with the aftermath of this unprecedented crisis, one thing is clear: the authorities will not rest until those responsible are brought to justice and order is restored to the country.