KURA announces closure of Lower Kabete road

Kenya Urban Roads Authority (KURA) has announced the closure of Lower Kabete road for the installation of a box culvert at the Brookside Drive Junction.

The road will be closed on Tuesday 28th January at 5.00am till 6.00pm.

Motorists have been advised to use alternative routes in case of traffic. Those using Lower Kabete will use Peponi road via Mwanza road. In case of traffic on Brookside Drive via Mwanzi road motorists have been advised to use Peponi road connect to Lower Kabete road via Mwanzi road.

Motorists using Lower Kabete road from Brookside Drive are advised to use Lower Kabete road connect to Peponi road and then to Mwanzi road. Those using Mwanzi road from Brook side will use Lower Kabete to Peponi road.