Vihiga county has inaugurated the first Geospatial Technology Service Lab; a project that has sent counties booking tickets to the western county.
Laikipia county led by its County Executive Committee Member in charge of Lands & Infrastructure, Mr. Joseph Shuel visited the Vihiga county GIS lab for a benchmarking exercise.
The sophisticated system is expected to aid Vihiga county in supporting the functions of the county government of Vihiga by the implementation of the Vihiga’s CIDP and development of sectoral plans, facilitate public participation in county planning and development and promote the transparency, accountability and overall governance.
Laikipia county applauded the project and vowed to implement the same project inline with its county objective to provide spacial maps to aid in planning.
The establishment of the Vihiga County GTS/GIS laboratory by LocateIT has been in collaboration with partners who have supported the initiative in different capacities.
ESRI has provided technical support, software and capacity building of GIS staff while AIRBUS provided high-resolution satellite image of Vihiga County.
Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB) will host the database of the 14 counties in the region.