L. Naivasha: KFS Denies Allowing Rampant Felling of Acacia Trees

"The incident scene is within the riparian area of Lake Naivasha and KFS preliminary investigation points to land ownership tussle"

Written By Vanessa Kariuki || 

Kenya Forest Service has been made aware of internet remarks regarding the last week’s cutting of Acacia trees at Lake Naivasha, which claim that KFS authorized the action.

KFS said it does not condones such criminal behaviour, and that at no time did it approve the cutting down of the aforementioned trees.

“The incident scene is within the riparian area of Lake Naivasha and KFS preliminary investigation points to land ownership tussle and incitement of the local community to convert the riparian land to agriculture,” said KFS.

KFS added, ” As such the Service is engaging other relevant agencies to ensure the underlying issues are addressed.” 

The Service urges the people to be vigilant and report any illegal activity because protecting Kenya’s forests and trees is everyone’s responsibility.

“Any illegalities can be reported to our nearest offices or through our toll free line 080 0721277,” said KFS.