Chaos As Sakaja Allied UDA Delegates Demand For Rescheduling Of Party Elections

This marks the third time the National Election Board (NEB) has delayed these elections, leading to suspicions of malice among the delegates.

There was chaos at the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party headquarters along Ngong Road as members protested over frustrations in the leadership.

Over 300 delegates aligned with Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja are seeking solutions following the postponement of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party elections, which were scheduled for Saturday.

This marks the third time the National Election Board (NEB) has delayed these elections, leading to suspicions of malice among the delegates.

The board cited unspecified “unavoidable circumstances” for the postponement.

The repeated delays have caused significant frustration among the delegates, who expressed their dissatisfaction with chants of ‘Mwaura must go’ taking centre stage.

Allegations of malice and concerns over the impact on party operations in Nairobi have been voiced.

In response to the unrest, President William Ruto has tasked Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua with mediating between the conflicting factions within the party—one supporting Governor Sakaja and the other backing Embakasi North MP James Gakuya.

NEB Chairperson Anthony Mwaura assured that further details on the rescheduled election would be provided soon and asked the delegates for their understanding and patience.

The initial postponement on June 6 was due to a complaint from one of the factions, which led to intervention by the Political Parties Dispute Tribunal.