Leaders arrive in Othaya ahead of Kibaki’s burial

President Uhuru Kenyatta has arrived in Othaya, Nyeri county for the burial of his predecessor Mwai Kibaki.

The military chopper carrying the President landed at the Othaya Boys High School 10 minutes after 10 am.

At the time of his arrival, Kibaki’s body had reached Mukurweini, Nyeri county, on transit to  Othaya.

Accompanied by first lady Margaret Kenyatta, the head of state was received by Defence Eugene Wamalwa.

Uhuru will receive the Kibaki at the Othaya Approved School where a funeral service will be conducted.

Deputy President William Ruto has also landed at the venue ahead of the burial ceremony

ODM leader Raila Odinga and his wife Ida Odinga arrived almost the same time as Ruto.

His chopper landed at Othaya Boys High School after Ruto had just disembarked from his.

Wiper boss Kalonzo Mysyoka, ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi and Ford Kenya chief Moses Wetangula have also landed.

Several dignitaries, including government officials, have also arrived at the venue.