Ledama To DPP Haji: Clean Them All…It’s Their Time To Eat

Senator Ledama Olekina of Narok has expressed dissatisfaction with the dismissal of graft charges against Public Service and Gender Cabinet nominee Aisha Jumwa and former Kenya Power MD Ben Chumo.

In a tweet, the senator implied that the move by Noordin Haji, the Director of Public Prosecutions, is a ‘cleansing’ exercise.

“Clean them all…it’s their time to eat,” Ledama said.

The DPP announced on Wednesday that he had dropped corruption charges against Jumwa in the Sh19 million graft case that the former Malindi MP was facing.

She had been accused of defrauding CDF funds.

Jumwa is one of 22 Cabinet nominees appointed by President William Ruto on September 28.

Parliament approved a 21-member committee on Wednesday that will vet the nominees before tabling its report on or before October 27.

On Wednesday, Parliament approved a 21-member committee to vet the nominees before tabling its report on or before October 27.

Azimio MPs have vowed to conduct a rigorous vetting process for the 22 nominees after raising concerns about some of them’s integrity.

Haji also dropped the Sh400 million bribery case against former Kenya Power MD Ben Chumo and ten others on Thursday.

Chumo was charged along with Muwa Company Limited.

In 2018, he was charged in court with willful failure to comply with procurement procedures in the purchase of transformers.