Makueni Residents To Access Improved Health Services

Residents of Makueni County will soon access 24-hour health services at selected health centers across the 30 wards in the county, Makueni Deputy Governor Ms. Lucy Mulili has said.

Mulili said they target to operationalize at least one health facility per ward to enable the population access medical services

“In the next financial year, the county government will improve at least one health facility per ward to enable wananchi to easily access services,” said Mulili during Doctors annual awards ceremony on Tuesday at Makueni Mother and Child Hospital, Wote.

She said the county is committed to ensuring the residents get the best services at all health facilities by ensuring working health systems.

“We are very committed to ensure our populations get the best service at clinics, dispensary, sub county and level three and four hospitals, with enough personnel and health commodities,” added Mulili.

During the ceremony, Malili Dispensary in Kilome sub county emerged the best dispensary while Kibwezi sub county Hospital was crowned the best overall hospital in the county.

Makueni County Referral Hospital was recognized to be offering the best family planning programmes and skilled birth attendance services.

Mulili lauded all the health workers present at the event commending them for a job well done.  “We appreciate and congratulate the teams in healthcare systems for making sure that the residents have access to proper health-care services,” she added.

She noted that the administration will prioritize their welfare in the next financial year.