Man Arrested For Hacking Father To Death After Denying Him Food

Police in the Nyakach sub-county are holding a man suspected of murdering his father after a domestic dispute in the Nyabondo area.

The suspect is said to have returned home drunk from the Sondu market center and demanded food.

South West Nyakach Chief David Onyisi claims the father objected to his request, which enraged the middle-aged man.

He claims the suspect then followed his father as he went to tether their animals, hitting him in the back with the weapon.

According to Chief Onyisi, the suspect then proceeded to hack his father on the neck three times, killing him instantly, before walking away.

Police later apprehended the suspect and imprisoned him at Maraboi police station before transferring him to Pap Onditi police station.

The deceased was a catechist at Nyabondo Catholic Church.