A matatu driver in Machakos was given KSh 100,000 by the High Court for illegal arrest and prosecution.
Erastus Karanja was fined KSh 5,000 and sentenced to two months in prison if he did not pay.
Erastus Maina Karanja was charged with obstructing county officials and found guilty, but he challenged the decision.
“The citizens expect the police officers in going about their duties to be fair, transparent, and accountable in executing duties on behalf of the State,” Kemei said as reported by Daily Nation.
On February 3, 2017, Machakos County law enforcement officials apprehended the driver.
They accused him of refusing to have the car impounded, and picking up passengers in an undesignated area.
He was cleared of two counts after the hearing and trial but found guilty of hindering the officers.
As a result, he was given the option of paying a KSh 5,000 fine or serving two months in prison.
Employees of Machakos County, on the other hand, objected to his petition, claiming that his arrest was legal.
*This article was written by Caleb Mwikya for Uzalendo News. Email: uzalendonews@gmail.com for News tips and Inquiries.