My Girlfriend Framed Me: Jailed Children’s Home Director Weeps In Court

A children’s home director serving 100 years jail term for defiling underage boys has blamed his former Swiss girlfriend for his owes.

While defending himself in a fresh defilement case involving 13 underage boys, Stephen Nzuki Mutisya, 30, urged Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Bernard Ochoi to acquit him on all the charges saying he was purely fixed by his three-month-old girlfriend Bridgit Bernendtte Naf, Swiss National.

“I never defiled the boys whom l loved so much. I couldn’t not and even now l can not defile the children who were placed under my care for mentorship and spiritual guidance,” Mutisya stated amid sobs.

Let in his testimony by defence lawyer John Swaka, Mutisya said the mastermind of all the defilement cases against in separate courts is his estranged Swiss girlfriend Bridgit Naf.

Crying uncontrollably Mutisya blamed Bridgit for hatching the plot to finish him and ensure he lots in jail saying that the children were couched to give false testimony against him with a promise to be taken to good schools.

“Is it your testimony that the mastermind of all these cases is Bridgit your Swiss former girlfriend?” Swaka asked him.

” Yes she is,” Mustiya responded while crying

His cries forced the defence lawyer Swaka to suspend his evidence under oath for a few minutes to enable him to calm down.

Mutisya faced the wall on the dock to cry bitterly as he explained that Bridgit fixed him to take over the management of his Children’s home known as Save Residence for the Children Reconciliation Education and Assistant Mission(SCREAM) Africa based in Mihago, Kayole, Nairobi county.

“I am in this predicament because of my fallout with my former girlfriend Bridgit who roped International Justice Mission (IJM) to frustrate me and ensure that l rot in jail to take over SCREAM,” Mustiya told the court.

He told Ochoi that Bridgit has vowed to finish him by ensuring he gets a lengthy prison term for framed up charges of defiling the young children under his care.

The defence will proceed on August 10, 2023.