Nairobi: 70 Protesters Arrested During Saba Saba Protests Freed

    Over 70 people who were arrested last week during the Saba Saba protests on Friday have been released.

    This comes after the prosecutor informed the court on Monday that he had received instructions not to charge the individuals.

    The opposition organised Friday’s protests across the country to picket against the high cost of living.

    However, in Nairobi, where opposition leader Raila Odinga led a rally at Kamukunji Grounds, police engaged in running battles with protesters, and dozens were arrested and taken into custody at the Central Police Station.

    The release of the activists comes a day after police lobbed teargas at individuals from various lobby groups who camped at the Central Police Station to demand release of the protesters.

    Led by former Chief Justice Willie Mutunga, the activists drawn from the Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC), Haki Kenya, and Kenya Bora Tutakayo, accused the police of effecting unlawful arrests against peaceful protesters.

    “The right to liberty and security of the person is a fundamental right protected by the constitution…Arbitrary arrests violate these principles and must be addressed,” KHRC said in a statement.

    The activists wanted the protesters freed unconditionally but their attempts bore no fruits.

    “We are extremely disappointed by this action by the police, which comes 60 years after independence. Coming 30 years after multi-party politics. It comes 13 years after the adoption of the new constitution,” KHRC’s Davis Malombe said.