DP Ruto’s Ally To Spend Weekend In Police Cell

Written by Cyrus Kimanga 📝

Nandi County Senator Samson Cherargei was arraigned in court today under a warrant of arrest which was executed on April 21, 2022.

His advocate Mr. Akusala unsuccessfully attempted to convince the court to lift his warrant of arrest and release him on his former cash bail of Ksh 300,000. 

However, the sitting Magistrate of Milimani Law courts Esther Kimilu directed Hon. Cherargei to be detained in custody until Monday, April 25, 2022, when the trial court will be sitting to canvass his new bail terms. 

Senator Cherargei deliberately absconded court proceedings scheduled on April 19, 2022 where the court was expected to give a ruling on an application filed by the same Senator seeking recusal of a trial magistrate.

Senator Cherargei filed the application through his Advocates pleading with the High Court to compel Magistrate Micheni Wendy down his tools and pave way for his case to be tried by another magistrate.

He cited unfairness in the way his case was being handled by the trial court as the key reason why the trial magistrate should recuse herself. 

Hon. Cherargei faces a charge of ethnic contempt where he uttered contents in a political rally deemed to be in a position to cause violence contrary to the Law.

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