Kenta Withdraws Case Challenging Governor Ntutu Victory

A hearing scheduled to begin on Monday, November 14, was cancelled when Mr. Kenta, through his lawyers, submitted a notice of dismissal.

Former Narok North MP Moitalel ole Kenta (ODM) has dropped his petition against Narok Governor Patrick Ntutu’s victory in the August 9 elections.

A hearing scheduled to begin on Monday, November 14, was cancelled when Mr. Kenta, through his lawyers, submitted a notice of dismissal.

This follows a high-level conference last week organized by ACK Archbishop Jackson Ole Sapit, who expressed worry that election court disputes were splitting the county.

Archbishop Sapit begged Mr Kenta to drop the action for the sake of the county’s peace.

The withdrawal notice follows appeals from Archbishop Sapit, Maasai council of elders chairman Kelena Ole Nchoe, Maasai Unity Forum chairman Selela Ole Mwanik, and other Maasai opinion leaders.

Mr. Kenta’s lawyer, Mr. Parseen Masikonde, told High Court Presiding Judge Teresia Matheka that the former MP wished to abandon the matter.

Justice Matheka then handed the two respondents, Mr. Ntutu and the election agency IEBC, two days to respond to Mr. Kenta’s plea to withdraw the matter.

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