Nyandarua Man Arrested For Killing His Girlfriend

A man is being detained by police in Nyandarua on suspicion of murdering his sweetheart with great brutality, taking the body to another location, and setting it on fire. 

According to preliminary investigations, the suspect killed the deceased in her home before taking her automobile to his residence in Pesi village, Ndaragua constituency, where he burned it to eradicate any potential evidence.

Prior to the finding of the victim’s car at the boyfriend’s property, police stated the case had been first reported as an abduction. 

Residents assisted in identifying the victim, a teacher, and her automobile, and they also provided police with information on the victim’s lover’s home. 

When the police entered the home, they discovered the teacher’s already-unrecognizable body still on fire. 

Given the presence of blood, police personnel with knowledge of the investigations speculated that the victim may have been attacked close to the bathroom’s entrance, which is located next to the kitchen.

“Residents informed us that the teacher’s car was parked at the suspect’s compound. We rushed there and found the car,” said a detective.

“We suspected that the suspect was inside the house but found him missing. We searched the house and discovered the remains of a human body on fire in the sitting room. We suspect the body to be that of the victim.”

The body was moved to Nyahururu Hospital in Laikipia County.

Aberdare sub-county Deputy County Commissioner Charles Rukwaro said the suspect was later arrested by detectives in Kasarani.