Waita Grand Plan For Masinga Tourism

Written By John Mutiso 📝

Machakos Governor-aspirant Nzioka Waita and his runningmate Hon. Florence Suluhu have assured Masinga residents of accelerated development, if the duo is elected to run the affairs of the county.

Nzioka Waita, the Chama Cha Uzalendo party leader identified tourism, health, roads and education sectors as key areas that need to be revamped to benefit locals.

“A tourism authority will be established and a tourism hub created in the Masinga dam area, Matuu Level 4 hospital upgraded to level 5, local roads significantly improved in both tarmac and marram road”

After their engagement with the business Community of Matuu on 26/5/2022, Waita and Suluhu advanced deep into the villages in Masinga, meeting the people, listening to their developmental needs and presenting their agenda of real development which will address the problems. 

From Kíthyoko, Thatha, Kaonywení, Kiseuni, Kaewa, to Kíkumíní, Kitangani, Mútw’amwaki, Musingini, MasingaMarket, to Íkaatiní, Nzúkíni, up to Ekalakala, Waita na Suluhuwere met with enthusiasm as they presented a plan that showed Masinga will be at the centre of their government. 

The Sub-county, alongside Mwala and Yatta, is an important area in the development plan that the vibrant team will implement when they form their government in August this year.

The laying of a 3-5 inch water pipe from Masinga dam to supply fresh water, and the construction of more dams, water harvesting pans to avail water for irrigation are the number one plan Waitahas for Masinga. 

Waita also promised to upgrade the Matuu Level 5 hospital and equip it with enough medication to serve the people of the Yatta, Masinga region.

This, besides equipping and returning medicine to all health centres, and building new ones in the Masinga Sub-county.

Waita na Suluhu committed to ensure the name ‘Weú’, which translates to ‘the wild’ popularly used to refer to Masinga, Yatta and Mwala, will be forgotten.

Another plan is to ensure that roads are constructed to create ease of movement for people and goods and trigger business and enterprise growth. 

They will also build polytechnics and social halls to provide youth career opportunities such as power mechanics, catering and culinary arts, business and other skills, among others.

“Markets in Masinga will have sheds, toilets and other amenities created and have a reliable supply of water established. A women fund availed by the county, will rescue our women from loan sharks, while the aged will receive financial support through village managers so that they can have food and live decent lives as they age.” Waita assured.