Waita: Kamba Unity Under Threat From Kalonzo

Nzioka Waita
Written By Gerald Gekara 📝

Machakos Governor-aspirant Nzioka Waita has hit out at the Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka for allegedly destablizing the Kamba community.

In a series of tweets posted on his account, the CCU Party leader said previous community leaders led by Mulu Mutisya ensured the voting block was united, but faulted Kalonzo for the confusion that has left the region a ‘swing vote’.

“When MULU MUTISYA held KALONZO MUSYOKA’S hand & took him to KABARAK where he was anointed the Leader of the Kamba Nation, MULU ( God rest his soul) expected that SKM would unite all our peoples & bring prosperity. Instead he is overseeing the systematic destruction of Kamba Unity.”

Nzioka added that as a leader, Kalonzo ought to soul search himself on why a section of the leaders are moving away from his grasp.

“I respect Kalonzo Musyoka deeply & he knows it, but we must look back & ask why did MUSILA, MUTHAMA, NGILU, KIBWANA, MUTUA all walk away, could they all be wrong? Why didn’t SKM use the spirit of MULU to resolve the issues between himself & our leaders for the sake of our people?”

On the issue of zoning, Waita faulted the Wiper party leader of using the supremacy of Kamba voters as a bargaining chip that has keep the community under developed.

“KALONZO’s strange ideas of democracy do not bode well for the future of the Kamba Nation as a whole & specifically the People of MACHAKOS. His demands to @RailaOdinga on zoning MACHAKOS as a WIPER ONLY COUNTY is setting the stage for the ultimate political isolation of our people.”

He added that zoning would be the death of Azimio, should the strategists move with the idea.

“If AZIMIO succumbs to this blackmail WE the Kamba Nation better book an early seat on the opposition benches where we shall sit for another 10 years. Another 10 years of underdevelopment, another decade of isolation,another lost generation. The destruction will be complete.”

“I urge Kalonzo to stop his demands to zone MACHAKOS, if he is so confident about his candidate.LET THE PEOPLE DECIDE, do not rob them of their future. THEY WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU!”

The announcement comes amid the withdrawal of Dr. Alfred Mutua from the Azimio bus, followed by PAA party leader Amason Kingi.

Azimio One Kenya Alliance Party is currently in search of a suitsable running mate for its party leader Raila Odinga.