Over 10,000 Litres of Illicit Brew Destroyed in Kisii in a Sting Operation 

This comes a few days after Kisii County Commissioner Tom Anjere talked tough on the illegal brew

Police in Kisii have arrested two suspects at Kiong’anyo village,Nyaribari Chache in Kisii over a massive illegal brewery in the village for the last five years.

In a sting operation led by new Kisii County Commander Charles Kesses, police officers have commenced County-wide operations to deal with illegal breweries saying that they perpetuate heinous incidences being witnessed in the recent past.

Kesses put on notice other brewers in Kisii to brace for tough times in combating the vice in the society. 

On Saturday morning a contingent of Police destroyed over 10,000 litres of Kangara and 450 litres of chang’aa were also recovered as exhibits.

Some of the tanks carrying illegal brew were found dug deep within the compound of the duo.

This comes a few days after Kisii County Commissioner Tom Anjere talked tough on the illegal brew, and drug abuse as well as rallied his troops to combat the insecurity situation in the county.