Parliament is dead and only serves President Kenyatta and Raila

Machakos Town MP Dr. Victor Munyaka has claimed Parliament is dead and only serves President Kenyatta and Raila Odinga.
Munyaka, an ally of DP William Ruto says impeached Nairobi County Governor Mike Mbuvi Sonko was impeached by the state and not Senate.

Munyaka has described the current Senate and Parliament as the most corrupt since independence, claiming that decisions are made at Capital Hill and State House.

The Machakos Town MP says democracy is for sale in Kenya to those who Raila or Uhuru wants.

Munyaka claimed the impeachment of former Kiambu Governor Ferdinand Waititu and Sonko is evidence that Kenyatta and Raila are running Parliament and Senate.

During the Sonko impeachment, Senators from GEMA and ODM regions voted to impeach Sonko ending the political career of the flamboyant and controversial Governor.

Sonko, a political loose Canon is allied to DP Ruto, who influenced his nomination as the Jubillee candidate for Nairobi. GEMA mandarins were rooting for Peter Kenneth. They selected Polycarp Igathe to be Sonko’s running mate. But Sonko kicked him out once he was safely in power.