Pastor Ezekiel Holds First Service Since ‘Persecution’

Pastor Ezekiel Odero has held his first service at the New Life Prayer Centre and Church since he was arrested and detained.

Last Sunday, the Church was closed because Odero was still in custody awaiting a bail decision.

The start of their service on Sunday, however, was marred by a brief misunderstanding after a number of police officers was deployed at the church.

Pastor Ezekiel’s lawyer, Danstan Omari, stated that the officers arrived as early as 5 a.m. with the purpose of preventing the ceremony from taking place.

They are believed to have blocked off the area, leaving churchgoers facing yet another Sunday without a service.

Omari revealed that they had requested a court order to prevent the service from taking place.

“We asked for any court order or written document from any authority directing that the service not be held.”

“As far as we know, there was no court order prohibiting the Sunday service.” So we approached them and asked for the same, but they were unable to serve us.”

Omari stated that the officers eventually left after speaking with the county commander.