Pastor Ezekiel To Sponsor Kilifi Student Who Crushed Stones For Fees

A brilliant 16-year-old girl from Kilifi County who had turned to crushing stones after failing to join form one has now got a four-year full scholarship from Evangelist Ezekiel Oduor. 

Sera Kauchi a former student of Bandacho primary school scored 406 marks and got aplace at Moi Girls Isinya but due to high poverty levels her family could not afford.

However,it was joy for the family and two other bright needy children who had alsoexcelled as they all got full scholarship from the evangelist.

Kauchi will no longer crash stones as she has got an opportunity of embarking onpursuing her dream of becoming her surgeon.

The Evangelist also said he would build a permanent house for Kauchi’s mother asthe family has no proper accommodation.

Speaking at the Governor’s office while accompanied by the county Governor Gideon Mung’aro the man of God said he would also sponsor 100 others to join form one. 

Kauchi, her motherMariam Rodgers and two other children from Ganze were present at the Governor’soffice to receive the good news from the evangelist.

Mung’aro saidimmediately after seeing the story on the media about the girl crashing stonesafter failing to join form one, he reached out to friends and partners and thatis when Evangelist Ezekiel said he would support her.

Initially Mung’arosaid the evangelist had said he would sponsor five but two got sponsors forcinghim to pick the three and pay ask for 100 more.

“We are happy nowbecause Kauchi’s dream of becoming a surgeon is going to be a reality and Ipromise her that at the end of four years I would have completed my first termand whether is I am reelected or not I will pay for the first-year fees ofUniversity,” he said.

Sadly, the headteacher of Bandacho primary which performed very well got admitted in hospital due to the pressure of seeing her children had perfomed and could not join form one.

Ezekiel said he wastouched after seeing the news of the girl who was crashing stones yet she hadexcelled and decided to sponsor her and the others.

“It really disturbedme because you know when you are at home a brother’s child is also your childyou hear she has excelled in examination and cannot proceed with education ifyou cannot feel the pai and you can afford even to pay for one term then you arebad,” he said.

Ezekiel said Sarah andanother one who sold chicken to get fare to travel to the governor’s office toseek sponsorship.

He said already he hadcome with the Church’s accountant and the three including Kauchi’s fees wouldbe paid immediately while the other 100 their fees would be paid for on Sundayin a ceremony which will be held at the Church in Mavueni. 

“We shall send ourbuses to pick them and fare to bring them to the church because some might evenbe not having fare to reach the church,” he said.

The Evangelist said aschurch ministers, they do preach the word of God but also intervene wheneverthere are problems in the society.

He thanked the mediafor highlighting such stories as they are able to reach those who want toassist. 

Kauchi also said hewas happy to have got sponsorship from the evangelist and thank all those whosupported her.

“I am happy that I willbe able to go to school my parents could not pay my fees and I had got a placeat Moi Girls Isinya so I thank all those who made it possible,” she said.

Mariam Rodgers Kauchi’sMother said she could not afford to take her girl to school because she ispoor.

Rodgers a mother of 7 said she depends on crashing stones for survival and can only get Sh. 300 per month and thanked the sponsors who had offered to help her educate her child.