Police Bosses Hold Meetings Over Tuesday‘s Occupy Parliament’ Protests

Multi-agency teams have been gathering to discuss how they will handle a scheduled protest outside Parliament in Nairobi against the Finance Bill, 2024.

The Occupy Parliament protest is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18, when the Bill is expected to be tabled in the House.

The bill is anticipated to be voted on Thursday, June 20.

After the organisers informed the authorities of their plans to hold the protest, top police commanders met separately to deliberate the next steps.

The teams have held separate meetings at police headquarters and the Nairobi Area Police Command.

Police are concerned that demonstrators would impede Members of Parliament’s access to the House, and anti-riot teams will be deployed.

However, one of the organisers, Boniface Mwangi, rejected the allegations, claiming that their protest will be nonviolent and intended to send a message to legislators.

Nairobi police commander Adamson Bungei stated that they are unsure of the group’s intentions and are concerned that they may disturb businesses.

According to a recent Infotrak survey, an overwhelming 87% of Kenyans oppose the Bill’s revenue collection methods.

Some angry Kenyans are now campaigning on social media using the hashtag ‘Reject Finance Bill’ to increase awareness and ensure they turn up in large numbers to occupy Parliament on D-day.