Police officer killed by police car in Bungoma

    A police officer stationed in Bungoma County was hit by a police vehicle while on duty at Cheptais Junction on Sunday night.

    According to a police report, the incident occurred when Fredrick Juma from the Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit (CIPU) in Bungoma West stopped a trailer for a routine inspection.

    The trailer, driven by Ali Abdullahi Bunyori, was headed from Sirisia to Chwele.

    Juma was interrogating the driver when he was hit by a Toyota Land Cruiser attached to Sirisia Police Station heading in the opposite direction.

    Gideon Magut, who was driving the Land Cruiser, moved and avoided the stationary trailer parked on the side of the road.

    “Due to the impact, the deceased was pushed ahead, suffered serious head injuries and died on the spot,” the police report read in part. 

    Following the incident, police officers arrived at the scene to process and document the scene.

    The deceased’s body was taken to the Life Care Hospital Morgue for a post-mortem examination.

    Both vehicles were detained at the Chwele Police Station for inspection.