President Ruto appoints a taskforce to audit public debt

    President William Ruto has appointed an independent taskforce to conduct a forensic audit of the country’s public debt.

    Speaking in an address to the nation from State House, Nairobi, on Friday, July 5, the Head of State disclosed that the audit will provide clarity on the nature and extent of the public debt.

    “I have today appointed an independent taskforce to carry out a comprehensive forensic audit of public debt and report to us in the next three months. This audit will provide the people of Kenya with clarity on the extent and nature of our debt,” President Ruto remarked.

    He further added that the audit will provide clarity on how public resources have been expended and prove proposals for managing the public debt.

    Ruto said the consequence of withdrawing the Finance Bill, 2024, is the reduction of the revenue target by Sh346 billion.  

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