President Ruto Instructs Treasury to Review SRC’s Pay Hike for State Officers

    President William Ruto has written to the National Treasury directing them to review the gazette notice issued by the SRC regarding the salary increases for state officers.

    State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohamed in a statement on July 3, 2024, said that President Ruto had moved to address the Gazette Notice from the SRC dated August 9, 2023, which had approved that state officers were set to receive salary and benefit increments starting July 1, 2024.

    Mohamed noted that the Head of State has since directed the National Treasury to review the notice.

    “President William Ruto has directed the National Treasury to review the Gazette Notice dated August 9, 2023, from the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) regarding the remuneration & benefits for State officers in the Executive of the National Government, the Senate & the National Assembly.

    According to Hussein, the order by the Head of State came in light of the withdrawal of the Finance Bill 2024 and the fiscal constraints expected this financial year.

    “The President has emphasized that this is a time, more than ever before, for the Executive & all arms of government to live within their means,” added Hussein.