President Ruto Vows To End Land Cartels In Lamu

President William Ruto has stated that he will ensure that every affected party obtains their rightful parcels in light of his promise to address the perennial land squabbles in Lamu.

Speaking during a thanksgiving service in Lamu on Sunday, President Ruto said that his government is focused on fulfilling his campaign promises.

“We will make sure that we sort out all land issues because we committed ourselves that we are going to sort the issues of absentee landlords and the whole question of land in the coastal region so that we can move the country forward,” said Ruto.

“In the upcoming budget set to be released in June, we have already started to allocate the money that we will use to solve the land issues you have here. Everyone who needs to be paid will get their money.”

Ruto added that his administration will be impartial in delivering services to Kenyans devoid of the candidate they voted for in the August 2022 polls.

According to Ruto, all Kenyans will benefit from his development agenda.

The Head of State further urged Kenyans to live in harmony, arguing that development will be effective if a nation is united and is walking along the same trajectory.

“I would want to urge you to continue living in harmony and unite as Kenyans. I will make sure that nobody and constituency will be discriminated,” said President Ruto.

“Do not worry about those who voted for whatever side. All Kenyans pay their taxes and I will ensure that we cater to all Kenyans without any segregation.”