Public Hearings For The FY 2023/24 Proposed Budget To Begin This Week

The National Government has announced plans to hold public hearings on its proposed Fiscal Year 2023/24 and Medium Term Budget at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre (KICC) from January 11 to 13.

According to a public notice by National Treasury Principal Secretary Chris Kiptoo, the hearings will be officially launched by Professor Njuguna Ndung’u, Cabinet Secretary for the National Treasury and Economic Planning, and will be attended by Honorable Ndindi Nyoro, MP and Chairman of the National Assembly’s Budget and Appropriations Committee.

“These Public Hearings provide an opportunity for members of the public to have their voices heard and to participate in the budget-making process. It is important that we consider the needs and concerns of all members of our community as we plan for the future,” part of the notice read.

The proceedings will be streamed live online via the Treasury’s website ( and social media platforms, and members of the public are encouraged to watch and provide feedback.

“We encourage everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to have a say in the budgeting process. Your input is valuable and will help shape the direction of our country’s future,” Kiptoo added.

The 2022 Budget Review and Outlook Paper (BROP) estimates Ruto’s first budget at KES 3.64 trillion, up from KES 3.55 trillion previously.