Raila To Expose Details Of Chebukati Secret Visit

Azimio la Umoja leader Raila Odinga has claimed that former IEBC commissioners Wafula Chebukati, Abdi Guliye, and Boya Molu paid him a visit before the results were announced.

Raila stated on Sunday, January 29, at Jacaranda Grounds that he had evidence that the trio sought his audience and made some requests to him.

Raila denied claims made by Chebukati that a group of Azimio politicians wanted to bribe him in order to change the outcome of the presidential election on August 9.

“Chebukati is saying there are people who tried to bribe him, even his other colleagues Guliye and Molu. I want to ask them what did you come to do at my house? What did they ask me for? Inform them that I have photos and I can expose them,” Raila stated. 

Raila stated that they also went to former CS Raphael Tuju’s house and that he has video evidence.

He insisted that Chebukati, the former IEBC chair, should be imprisoned.

Raila was responding to Wafula Chebukati’s claim that officials from the National Security Advisory Council and Tuju tried to bribe them into declaring Raila’s victory.

Former Commissioners, according to them, discouraged further discussion of the same.

The revelation was made during the Tribunal hearing.

The Tribunal was formed to investigate the rebel commissioners.

Raila claimed that the tribunal led by Court of Appeal Judge Aggrey Muchelule was a political witch-hunt against former IEBC vice-chair Juliana Cherera and Co. 

“They placed a tribunal to prosecute Cherera and her friends, Irene Masit stated that she would stand trial. I informed Masit that she is like a sheep going to a pack of hyenas but she told me that she would stand trial and face them in order to defend the truth,” he noted.