Raila: Kenya Should Abolish IEBC, Adopt US Election System

Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition, wants the country to abandon the centralized, national elections management system in favor of a county-based, regional arrangement similar to that of the United States.

Raila now wants the IEBC abolished, and Kenya to adopt a devolved electoral system modeled after the United States Electoral Body.

Raila Odinga, the leader of the opposition, wants the country to abandon the centralized, national elections management system in favor of a county-based, regional arrangement similar to that of the United States.

Mr. Odinga believes that devolving the electoral body into regions or counties would increase credibility and transparency, as opposed to the current situation in Kenya, where it is centralized.

Raila now wants the IEBC abolished, and Kenya to adopt a devolved electoral system modeled after the United States.

He also proposed that political parties be allowed to second their members to serve on the electoral commission.

“There is always the issue of election management centralized. Is it necessary to have a single electoral body to manage our elections, or should election management be devolved to state regions or counties, as in the United States? Should political parties be allowed to send representatives to election management bodies? “The answer to these two questions is yes,” Mr. Odinga said.