Raila Odinga has accused Kenyan security agencies of wilful abuse of police power and impunity in the by-elections in the Bonchari and Juja constituencies.
In a statement released on Wednesday, the leader of the Orange Democratic Movement, stated that elections are not a chance for politicians to pursue “imaginary political goals.”
“What we have witnessed in the by-elections in Bonchari and Juja is an abuse of police powers and an arrogant display of IMPUNITY by a few overzealous and bellicose government functionaries,” the ODM leader Tweeted.
He urged the Police to not be swayed into selfish political gains, but serve the people in fairness and respect.
“Security forces exist to serve the people and not the interests of those out to conduct political experiments.”
May 18th Elections were marred by heavy police presence and arrests of key allies supervising the elections.
The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) was forced to suspend vote tallying in Juja after some agents protested election irregularities.
Meanwhile, the ODM leader congratulated Bonchari Mp Elect Pavel Oimeke on his election victory in a tight race.