Raila Odinga Set To Leave The Country For One-Week South Africa Visit

Azimio leader Raila Odinga will jet out of the country on Friday evening for South Africa.

Odinga, according to a statement sent to newsrooms on Friday by his spokesman Dennis Onyango, will be away for a week.

Mr. Onyango stated that Mr. Odinga is scheduled to attend a series of meetings as the African Union’s High Representative for Infrastructure Development in Africa.

“Mr. Odinga will meet the Chief Executive Officer of the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD) Nardos Bekele-Thomas. The meeting will review progress of the Program for Infrastructure Development in Africa Priority Action Plan 2 (PIDA-PAP2),”wrote Mr. Onyango.

“The PIDA-PAP 2 is a portfolio of strategic projects proposed by Regional Economic Communities and AU Member States for implementation between by 2030. It is comprised of sixty-nine (69) regional infrastructure projects in the sectors of Energy, Transport, Trans-Boundary Water, and Information and Communication Technology.”

He also stated that Mr. Odinga will meet with South African leaders from the government, non-governmental organisations, and business sectors.