Raila Odinga’s AU Job Terminated

Raila Odinga’s tenure as African Union’s High Representative for Infrastructure Development in Africa has ended after five years, the African Union (AU) Commission has said.

In a letter dated February 19, 2023 addressed to Odinga, AU chairperson Moussa Faki said the former Kenyan Prime Minister exhibited exceptional leadership during his tenure as special envoy.

“Your role in this journey, Excellency, has been invaluable. Allow me to express my profound gratitude for accepting to serve in this role during the transition period, which has now come to a happy conclusion,” Mr Faki said.

Mahamat added that the union wishes Mr Odinga well and that he will still be a valuable person to the union.

“The African Union hopes to continue counting on your support for other possible assignments,” added the AU boss.

Odinga assumed the role on October 20, 2018.

Mr Mahamat said the newly created African Union Development Agency – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AUDA-NEPAD) will take over the role.

NEPAD’s main objectives are to reduce poverty, put Africa on a sustainable development path, halt the marginalisation of Africa and empower women.