Raila To Party Rebellers: Stop ‘Political Prostitution’

Former Prime Minister Raila Odinga has expressed dissatisfaction with recent shifts in allegiance by Azimio la Umoja party members, with some vowing to work with his rival President Wiliam Ruto.

The Azimio Parliamentary Group leader said it was unethical for members to defect from a party or coalition after gaining a seat in government during a meeting of the Azimio Parliamentary Group in Machakos.

“Very cheap, unprincipled for a political party to say after the election you are now resigning and going to join the coalition that you ran against. That is political prostitution,” Raila said.

According to Raila, the Members of Parliament who met President William Ruto are self-seeking individuals who must be rejected by their voters at all cost. 

“On what basis did UDM resign to go to the other side, even before the speaker was elected.. What is now more attractive in Kenya kwanza than Azimio? Political prostitution must be condemned.”

The former Prime Minister also asked all party rebels to resign from their respective offices.

 The ODM party leader said the defectors are ‘traitors’ to the party.

“If you want to see the president as a person resident in the state House, go. But if you want to go and talk about issues that affect the party, then you must be given permission by the party. These people have been seen for who they are, traitors.

However, Wiper Party Leader Kalozo Musyoka begged Raila to forgive Jalang’o, who he also accused of going against coalition wishes and political stand. 

“You cannot cannibalise democracy in this country, not under the 2010 constitution. When someone wants to say sorry, please don’t throw them out,” Kalonzo noted.

The attendees, however, objected to Kalonzo’s remarks, but the Wiper leader maintained that Jalang’o should be given another chance by the ODM Party.