Reincarnated: Hillarious tweeps manning ‘Historical legends’ crack up Kenyans

If you’ve been to Twitter streets, it is almost impossible to scroll past 20 tweets without coming across a hilarious cohort of twitter accounts, named after Kenya’s historical figures.

Kenyans have yet again deviced ways to commemorate the political legends of the country, by impersonating them on social media.

“This is the best twitter account i have ever come across,” said one Diana, “Tom Mboya is downright the funniest tweep”

However, despite the comedy, the ‘ancestors’ that have now been reffered to by twitter users, the accounts also appear to actively contribute to current politics, hurling harsh comments at political leaders for their incompetencies, and making references to how they died.

“Personally i think its good that everyday, a Kenyan somewhere sits down and contemplates ways to help us forget our problems, take a moment and appreciate our creative people.” Said one Kevin

“Everyday you wake up and see the madness that goes on in this country, you simply lose hope…. without some sarcasm and fun, you might not make it as a young person.” Diana said.

After a spotcheck by Uzalendo News, these are the accounts;

Mzee Jomo Kenyatta, Jaramogi Oginga, Bildad Kaggia, Dedan Kimathi, Mwai Kibaki, Pio Gama Pinto, Idi Amin, Tom Mboya, George Saitoti, John Michuki, Harry Thuku, Sir Everlyn Baring, Chief Waiyaki, Mekatilili wa Meza, JM Kariuki and Mutula Kilonzo.

The reincarnation trend has been ongoing on twitter around the world, with accounts such as God, Jesus Christ, Satan, Abraham Lincoln,just to mention a few.

Despite many users finding them funny, conservatives have found the trend to be “bad omen” claiming it as a disrespect for the dignity of those who their accounts are being used.