Politician Jailed For Forging A KCSE Certificate

Mr. Robert Kibe Githongo, a former County Assembly Member from Kiamwangi Ward Kiambu County, has been imprisoned for faking academic papers.

Mr. Robert was sentenced to four years in prison or a fine of Ksh. 500,000 by the Milimani Anti-Corruption Court, following his conviction.

He was found guilty of creating a fake document in violation of Penal Code sections 347(a) and 349.

The MCA was charged with forging a fake document, a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education S/No.625123, claimed to be granted by the Kenya National Examination Council.

For this count, the criminal faces two years in prison or a fine of Kes. 250,000.

Providing a fake document in violation of Penal Code Section 353

He was accused of uttering a fraudulent document, namely a Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education S/No.625123, to Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology on December 29, 2014, purporting it to be a legitimate certificate issued by KNEC.

He was sentenced to two years in prison or to pay a fine of Kes. 250,000.

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