President Ruto Set For Congo State Visit After Truce Deal

The President will undertake bilateral conversations with his host, His Excellency President Felix Tshisekedi, on topics of mutual interest

President William Ruto will leave the country this evening for a one-day official visit to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). 

The President will undertake bilateral conversations with his host, His Excellency President Felix Tshisekedi, on topics of mutual interest like as trade and investment, regional integration, and the security situation in the Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo. 

Kenya, as an East African Community member, is playing a critical role in supporting the ‘Nairobi Peace Process,’ which involves talks between the DRC government and armed groups in the country’s east to restore peace and security.

Kenya has also sent troops to the region as part of the East African Community Regional Force for peacekeeping.