Court Freezes Junior Staffer Accounts Over A Sh75 Million Deposit

Written By John Mutiso  📝

The high court has ordered that the bank account belonging to a public officer at the Environment Ministry be frozen after an Sh75 million deposit.

According to the court documents, Samuel Kariuki joined the ministry in 2018 where he was earning a net salary of Sh32,000 to Sh42,000 but had over Sh75 million in his account.

According to the investigations done by the EACC, Kariuki’s bank account currently has 22 million.

‘Apart from his salary, Kariuki received numerous large sums of money amounting to Ksh.79, 763, 944,” reads court papers. 

In the affidavits, the case was certified urgent and an order was issued prohibiting the respondent or his agents from withdrawing the funds.

“…Or any other persons from transferring, disposing or in any other way dealing with the funds in the bank account described hereunder to enable the applicant to complete its investigations before instituting recovery proceedings,” the court-ordered.

Kariuki is said to have deposited the funds to the Equity Bank limited.

The court ordered that the account should be frozen for a period of six months.

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