School calendar resumes after a 6-month pandemic holiday

School going child attends a lesson wearing a facemask | PHOTO COURTESY

School gates have finally reopened to students and teachers after a 6 month holiday that was brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. – By Gerald Gekara

Grade four pupils, Class eight and form four candidates reported for resumption of classes early Monday morning, with the hope of recovering lost time.

The candidates, who had considered 2020 a wasted year, will now have to dust old books and rekindle knowledge ahead of their April 2021 examination papers.

The Ministry of Education while issuing the directive, urged parents to allow their children back to school.

They argued that the society has to find a way to live with the coronavirus pandemic, noting that a vaccine would be available later in 2021.

Schools reopening will have to comply with the ministry’s guidelines on how to maintain social distancing within the institution.

Interventions such as increasing school infrastructure, furniture, and provision of sanitizing points, tanks, and sanitizers have been stepped up, in compliance with these guidelines.

Learners, teachers and school workers will also be required to wear face masks at all times.

President Uhuru Kenyatta allocated Ksh 1 Billion to public institutions for the provision of school desks and lockers, to ease the challenge of sharing desks in schools.

He said besides equipping secondary and primary schools, the project which is part of the government’s post-COVID-19 economic stimulus program, is aimed at boosting the informal sector commonly referred to as jua kali (hot sun) sector.