Swine Flu Outbreak Hits Nakuru

Nakuru County health officials have confirmed a Swine Flu outbreak in Elementaita Ward. 

Dr Daniel Wanaina, Chief Officer of Public Health Services, stated that the emergency operation center received the first signal from Kiptangwany Health Centre on July 27,2022 after the officer in charge reported a flu surge. 

He stated that the doctors raised an alarm after a large number of children were brought in with high fever-flu-like symptoms, indicating that the situation was unusual at the health facility.

Dr Wanaina said that they however mobilised and sent a team of surveillance and public health officers to the hospital and after investigations and taking samples of the children, it turned out that there was a localised outbreak of Swine flu.

According to Dr Wanaina, the outbreak is reported to be affecting children mostly; one-year-old and at least one life has been lost to the flu.

“Most of the children affected were malnourished; meaning vulnerable as their immunity is low. The trend shows that there are very few cases. Yesterday only two cases were reported form Kiptangwany Health Centre,” said Dr Wanaina

“The trend is fading away, we are in flu season and every time the temperature is very low there is always an outbreak of flu which is normal. There should not be a cause of alarm, everything is under control,” he added

According to Dr Wanaina, at least 140 Swine Flu cases have been reported in the past one month with six children currently admitted at the Kiptangwany Health Centre and two at the Nakuru Level five hospital in stable condition.