Tame Moses Kuria — Kamba Leaders Urge Ruto

Written By Monica Makali || 

Leaders from Machakos led by Kalonzo Musyoka have called on President William Ruto to tame CS Moses Kuria.

This comes after over his recent sentiments on communities living around East Africa Portland cement land in Mavoko sub-county in Machakos.

Kalonzo insisted that land is devolved and CS Moses Kuria saying it was their land was out of order.

He said as opposition they were watching and Kenyans are hurts and they should not continue hurting them.

On her part Governor Wavinya said she was hurt by CS Kuria who on speaking on the said land he recorded a video and sent to her and she tried calling back but in vain.

She reminded Kuria that he was CS for Trade and not lands and should be speaking on ways to revive industries and not remove residents from the said land.

Wavinya added that her late father started the town in 1945 and was incharge of Machakos, Kajiado and Kiambu and that East African portland was given land by the community to mine only and return the land.

She said that they are contributors of climate change as they have not protected the environment yet they want to take the land from them.

Machakos women rep Joyce kamene said as leaders they will stand with machakos people and was wondering what Cs Trade Moses Kuria was doing in Mavoko land issues.

She also said that portland have finished mining and should leave the land to its rightful owners.

Former Nairobi Governor Mike sonko said that the land in issue is for Kamba community and portland were to comply with mining act which says 2% of profits should get back to the community to develop community.

He said he has not heard President William Ruto speaking about matter and should not feel threatened by Moses kuria.

He added that he has tried calling CS Kuria but all in vain.Sonko said even though he is in government he won’t accept his people to be humiliated and evicted.

He urged CS Moses Kuria to first come to ground and listen to people and get to see the title deeds and that the residents should be respected.