Teachers Snub Wajir Recruitment Over Insecurity

The Teachers Service Commission has lamented the low turnout for tutor recruitment in Wajir County. 

Speaking on Wednesday in Wajir Town TSC county director James Ogongo said that the number of residents who showed up for the recruitment exercise was low.

This, Mr Ogongo said, was despite the commission re-advertising for the position for 325 P1 teachers to fill the vacancy left by teachers who left in 2020 due to insecurity in the region.

“The condition was that the locals and non-locals who work within the county to apply,” Mr Ogongo said.

After the recruiting process, the application forms were vetted and delivered to TSC headquarters in Nairobi, and the instructors are expected to report to work by September 1. 

He stated that the employment will relieve strain on the county’s few instructors and praised the commission for the exercise. 

There were 325 applicants for elementary school positions and only 39 for senior school positions.