Tik Tok becomes first social media platform to ban the MLM

Tik Tok just announced updates to its community guidelines which stated that any content related to MLMs, Ponzi, and other ‘get rich quick schemes will be removed from the site.

Under a section of policy prohibiting various types of frauds and scams the company became the first major social media platform to announce that MLMs will not be tolerated.

The policy states that : “ content that depicts Ponzi ,Multi-level- Marketing ,or pyramid schemes and content that depicts or promotes investment schemes with promise of high returns ,fixed betting or any other type of scams will now be banned .”

Today MLMs live online mostly through social media. You see the spamy invitations you get from people you have never met or only met once.

To help contain the spread of multilevel marketing schemes .Tik Tok has promised to remove any content flagged by users, moderators or its automated technology.

“We will remove content and accounts that violate these guidelines .in days and times where people are home and spending more time online this is a big step in helping protect individuals from scams that could cost them a lot of time and money.”