Treasury CS Njuguna Ndungu’s Speech Cut Short By Power Outage

The Kenyatta International Convention Center (KICC) experienced a power outage on Wednesday, cutting Treasury Cabinet Secretary Njuguna Ndung’u’s speech short.

CS Ndung’u was speaking during the Treasury’s Budget Public Hearings and was about 10 minutes into his speech when the sound went out, bringing everything to a halt.

In his address at KICC where the Budget Public Hearings are taking place, Ndungu reiterated that Public Participation is very crucial in the budget process as enshrined in the Constitution 2010.

On his part, Hon. Ndindi Nyoro said that the government must make budgets that last for an entire year and avoid supplementary Budgets.

From Wednesday to Friday, the National Treasury will hold public hearings at KICC on the proposed 2023/2024 and Medium Term Budgets.