TSC Replaces Kisii Teachers After Viral Video

Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has replaced all interdicted teachers who allegedly coerced pupils to engage in indecent acts depicting homosexuality at Itumbe DOK primary school in Kisii.

According to six separate letters dated February 3 and written by Nyamache Sub-County TSC director James Wanyela, teachers James Oigoro Ocharo, Wilfred Momanyi Ochenge, Florence Nyabuto, Isaac Osoro, Morara George Igworo, and Odong’a Obedi Nyanchong’i were transferred to DOK Primary School with immediate effect.

Ocharo will be leaving Giasaiga DEB Primary School, while Ochenge and Nyabuto will be leaving Bosana DEB Primary School and Mosasa DOK Primary School, respectively.

Osoro and Igworo were also transferred from Kionduso PAG Primary School and Itibonge Primary School, respectively, while Nyanchong’i was posted to the school after being assigned to Nyamache Sub-County.

“Ensure you hand over all the school property in your possession before you proceed to your new station,” reads one of the letters.

“By copy of this letter, both head teachers are required to inform this office and the secretary Teachers Service Commission of the date you are released and received at your new station through a casualty/ appointment return.”

The interdicted teachers, Everlyne Moraa, Angelica Joseph, Catherine Mokaya, Moraa Nyairo, William Isuka, and Gladys Kenyanya, were found on Thursday to have violated clauses 9 (1) and (c) (11) of the TSC Act, 2012, as well as subjecting the minors to psychological torture and embarrassment by sharing the video clip of them performing the indecent acts.

TSC ordered the suspended teachers to vacate their offices immediately and submit their defence responses within 21 days.