Two Car Theft Suspects Arrested In Kayole

Detectives based in Kayole are currently interrogating two motor vehicle theft suspects who were arrested in a raid conducted on Friday morning in Njiru, Nairobi county.

According to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Patrick Masinde, 45, and Fernando Mwenda, 42, were arrested minutes past 1 am by a contingent of officers from Obama police station.

“10 number plates, 43 driving licenses, tracking gadgets, identification cards, and bank cheque books among other exhibits were recovered. Also recovered were tens of fake rubber stamps belonging to different motor vehicle-selling dealers, financial institutions and the immigration department among others,” the DCI said.

The suspects are believed to be part of a larger syndicate involved in carjackings and sale of stolen motor vehicles in the city and other parts of the country.

The DCI said that a comprehensive search is currently ongoing at the suspect’s hideout in the Obama estate aimed at gathering more information on the operations of the suspects.