Two Fishermen Die After Fighting Over Sh15 Cigarette

Two fishermen have lost their lives after fighting over a cigarette stick in Mbita, Homa Bay country.

Mbita Sub-County Police Commander Solomon Barngetuny has identified the two as Geoffrey Ngoje, 32, and Sikuku Odiko,36.

According to the police boss, trouble began when Ngoje went to buy the cigarette from a nearby shop on Saturday evening.

When Odiko saw him, he went to him to request a cigarette so that he could also smoke. But Ngoje declined to share with him.

According to the Chief of Rusinga East Location Mboya Owuor, Odiko got annoyed by his colleague’s selfishness and opted to get violent.

“Odiko was demanding the cigarette yet Ngoje who bought it was still smoking, meaning he had not been satisfied with it,” Owuor said.

Odiko got annoyed, took a knife, and stabbed him several times in various parts of the body. Ngoje became unconscious and collapsed due to the injuries sustained.

A mob that was nearby got hold of Odiko and pounced on him with crude weapons. Police who were nearby rushed the two men to Mbita Sub County Hospital.

“The mob was not happy with what Odiko did before attacking him with crude weapons. They injured him seriously,” said Owuor.

Mbita Sub-County Police Commander Solomon Barngetuny said police rushed the two men to Mbita Sub-county hospital where they died a few minutes later while undergoing medication.

“They sustained serious injuries in the incident and died a few minutes later while being attended to by medical officers,” Barngetuny said.

The police boss said investigations had commenced so that people who were involved in the incident were apprehended.

“We are investigating the matter so that the people who were involved in the incident are charged in court. Let the people avoid taking the law into their hands,” Barngetuny warned.