Two Men,21, Sentenced To Death For Armed Robbery

Two Armed robbers have been sentenced to death after being found guilty of robbery with violence.

Moses Mudavadi and Francis Otieno Odhiambo, both aged 21 years are said to have committed the heinous act on the night of 21st May 2022.

The victim recalled the events on the fateful night when she was attacked by the two young men.

According to the victim in her evidence in chief, she heard a commotion outside her house and assumed it was her husband.

However, when she looked through the window, she saw someone breaking the padlock and six men wielding iron bars and machetes forcefully entered the house.

The convicts then assaulted her, snatched her phone and inflicted severe injuries, including plucking out her hair before proceeding to ransack the kitchen and stealing various items.

The court ruled that the prosecution presented a total of 6 witnesses whose evidence corroborated.

“This court will therefore proceed to sentence the convicted suspects to serve death sentence. Right of appeal within 14 days from today.” ruled the magistrate.