Two Suspected Phone Snatchers On Motorbike Arrested In Kilimani

Two suspects were apprehended on Saturday while attempting to steal a mobile phone from a woman near Astrol Petrol Station on Lenana Road in Nairobi’s Kilimani area.

The duo, who were on a motorcycle, were intercepted by residents and boda boda riders who surrounded and descended on them with blows and kicks before Kilimani Police Station officers arrived on scene and rescued them.

The suspects stole the phone, according to witnesses who claimed to know them from a previous theft incident. However, as they tried to escape, a boda boda rider threw a log of wood in their path, which caused them to fall.

They were swiftly surrounded by the crowd that was baying for their blood, owing to a rise in theft cases in the area associated with them.

Despite the agitated crowd’s calls for mob justice, police from the nearby station raced to the scene and took the two suspects into custody.