UDA Calls Nominations For Eldas, Kiagu By-Elections

In the recently announced ward by-elections in Eldas (Wajir), Kiagu (Meru), and Nguu (Makueni), the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) has called on interested contenders to apply for a party ticket.

Part Secretary-General Veronica Maina said in a statement on Thursday that hopefuls will have to pay a Ksh30,000 application fee.

“All interested and qualified aspirants to submit their application on or before Wednesday, August 4th, 2021 at 12pm at Hustler Centre headquarters on Makindi Road,” the party SG said.

Youth, women, and people with disabilities, on the other hand, will pay Ksh20,000 to receive a party ticket ahead of the nomination process.

Eunice Karegi, a Kiagu Ward member of the Meru County Assembly, died on May 27, 2021.

Eldas MCA Ibrahim Abass represented Eldas Ward. He passed on July 14th.

*This article was written by Caleb Mwikya for Uzalendo News.  Email: uzalendonews@gmail.com for News tips and Inquiries.